(This is an exact quote of a fellow who purchased a spa with three way diverter valves.)


The Haven Spas Message Board

I had to steal this, because ....

Posted By: Jim Arjuna (cpe-66-87-38-69.co.sprintbbd.net)
Date: Friday, 25 March 2005, at 10:24 p.m.

it reflects my sentiments exactly. Why would anyone purchase a spa in which you can't run all the jets a full power at the same time? Please tell me?

"busdude Posts: 12 I hate my new Marquis « on: Mar 21st, 2005, 7:58pm » Quote Modify

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hate my new Spa. When I wet tested the Spa I really liked the jets that hit my legs on the seat opposite of the lounger. And I really liked the jets that hit my back on the lounger. And I also liked another set of jets. But I thought it was weird that all of these jets didn’t work at the same time. The dealer told me the Spa was hot wired to a 110 and if I hooked it up to a 240 then all of the jets work together. We’re talking the tiny Ma###is Spirit but it’s all I can get in. So I spent an additional $400 hooking it directly up to the Spa. And you know what, they don’t work together. I called the Dealer and he said oh no they all work together. The guy has to come out tomorrow (that’s another nightmare) and he is going to show me how. But he appears to be wrong. Because I actually looked at the manual (wet testing isn’t enough – read the manual). And there are two settings that make one set of jets work but only on one of the three seating areas. So if three people are in the spa and one of the three turn on one of the settings two of you have to set there with no jets on while the one person enjoys it. It actually shows this in the book. I hate my brand new expensive spa. I can’t believe everyone in this site said Mar###s was so great. What a terribly expensive sad mistake. And tomorrow my credit card company will have to be paid nearly $5,000. Wet test Wet test AND read the manual. My little $2,000 Balboa had better jets than this (they at least all worked at the same time). And it’s setting in some landfill. I just don’t get this. Can this be changed in some fashion with a good electrician??"

If you purchase a spa like this, you need to realize that having it so that when you are in a single seat, and the jets from the top or the bottom can't run at the same time is a total rip-off.  What in the h#ll is the matter with spa designers.  Do you have to squeeze every ounce of profit because consumers are so ignorant about spas and hot tubs?  This is immoral and degrading to the spa industry.

If you are going to make a spa that is really 1/3 of a real spa why not sell it for 1/3 of the price of a real spa?
Haven Spas is an honest company, and if something were to diminish the use of the spa, we would be the first to explain it to you.  We belive that "surprises" are not necessary.