Havenmade Inc. Return/ Replacement policy:
This is our customer guarantee of satisfaction on the products we offer.
The Spa Specialist, Have Spas. Return/Replacement/ policy, known as the
“RR” policy:
If a customer is not satisfied with the new spa, we will replace it
with 30 days notice from the customer from the time of
If a customer decides that they want an alternative spa from our
product line, we will charge the shipping and delivery charges for the
replacement spa only not charge for the return shipping of the replaced
spa. We will
exchange it with another new spa, but only in the same price point
category or with a higher priced category , for instance a
Paramount spa can only be exchanged for a Paramount or upgraded to a
Super Custom, not down graded to a Provence model. under the 30 days
notice from
the time of delivery. If the exchange spa has a, currently
higher price, and
or higher shipping cost, the
customer will pay the difference between the price of the original spa
and the replacement. If the exchange spa has a lower price than
the original spa, the customer will receive a credit,/ refund for the
difference as long as the spa is in the same or higher model
category.. There is no return or replacement for a special one
of a kind spa, used,
rebuilt, stored at customers request, or factory refurbished
spa. This only applies to
new spas. All the customer has to do is contact us and let us
know within 30 days after the original spa is delivered. This is
limited to one exchange only. We require a written letter (by
certified mail). In the letter, you must state the reason for the
exchange. The serial number on the spa should be
referenced when referring to the spa on any communication. Ask
for a confirmation number on your request for RRR. You will receive an
RRR form that you must sign and send back to us before you can return
the spa.
For this policy to be enacted the spa cannot be damaged in any way
and must be in the same condition as it was at the time of
delivery. If you return a damaged spa we will charge for
the repairs to put it in new condition.
For super high end custom magnum spas this policy can only be enacted
on for another Super Custom Magnum model.
(form R/R/R policy)
See the sales order contract for more details.
About the Replacement policy:
The purpose of the replacement policy is to insure that the spa
model you have is satisfactory to you. That it fits you and your
needs. If it doesn't we want you to be able to replace it with
another spa, one that is better for your purpose so that you are